
How to Improve MBA Profile for Top Business School Admissions?

The inquiry springs up on different gatherings as often as possible and there are two classes of folks who need to know about it. The primary set is a couple of months from application due dates and have as of late understood that their rivals look and sound way better on paper over they do. We aren’t discussing this class in this post. For the present we center around the other classification – the individuals who have begun their GMAT MBA prep early and need to delve into every possibility to guarantee that their profiles fit into the ‘perfect MBA’ candidate system.

There is a lot of qualities that most Adcoms would discover intriguing in Indian competitors. Here are a few pointers to enable you to stand out:

Business Understanding:

You need not be Bill Gates, however, you do need an essential comprehension of how organizations work. You pre-MBA performance is a decent method to feature that. On the off chance that you’ve had a solid expert foundation, you’ve been exceptional than your friends and you’ve carried a greater number of obligations over and above the expected set of responsibilities – then you are doing great.


This is the crude mental intellectual prowess that drives most activities in your personal or professional lives. What’s more, on the off chance that you aren’t discovered failing in the assigned division it would be generally alright for managers and Adcoms to accept that your endeavors would be the correct way and that would profit the associations and organizations that you are related with. Your scholarly evaluations, your GMAT score and the way that you are genuinely dedicated to sharpening your business aptitudes and system, would also act as great signs.

Communication Abilities:

Ultimately everything comes down to your capacity to absorb every single accessible datum, structure your musings in your brain before your vocal cords uncover your splendid personality to the enthusiastic world waiting for you out there. For B-school applications, they will utilize your papers and your interview to pass judgment on this.


This is a territory where even the best business college won’t most likely be able to assist you. Be that as it may, it’s that 1% motivation that you must muster without anyone else’s input so it helps you facilitate the rest of the 3 resources. For the remaining 99%, it descends to your capacity to design, plan, convey and execute the arrangement. Utilize your additional curricular experiences to show angles where you’ve been inventive, taken initiative, and whatever else that makes you an intriguing competitor that your schoolmates would love to spend time with after your MBA classes are finished.


On the off chance that you have time staring you in the face to shape your profile, have a go at these 4 territories and see where you are in need some work.


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Part-Time Vs. Full-Time MBA: Which One To Choose?

Since the MBA degree started in 1900s, it has brought forth numerous variations. These generally include minor changes segregated through specialisations or course length, however the most critical – the official MBA (EMBA) – is a uniquely extraordinary course to the customary MBA. It pays, in this way, to ponder whether an MBA or EMBA is the best choice for your needs and objectives.

Numerous business colleges offer a decision between the two courses, so you have to choose before you apply. NL Dalmia, for instance, offers a Global Executive MBA, as well as standard executive MBA courses in close by customary full-time and part-time MBA programs.

Things being what they are, how would you choose which course you ought to apply for? How about we investigate a portion of the key contrasts and contemplations, so as to enable you to settle on an educated decision.


Full-time MBA

On the off chance that you enter an MBA program as a full-time understudy, you won’t get a lot of money flow for a few years as you won’t almost certainly hold an all-day work profile while enlisted. In this way, these projects are most well known with more youthful understudies who have as of late gotten their four-year certification. Full-time MBA projects are organized for 23 to 30-year-olds who can bear to leave the workforce for some time. There is additionally the desire that understudies will live on or close to the campus and regularly attend classes. The workload at hand in a full-time MBA program is more demanding and the class plan more tedious than in a part-time program.

Full-time understudies represent more than 90 percent of all MBA grants and fellowships, so those looking for money related guidance or diminished educational costs will benefit in a full-time enrolment. Also, an institutes business college reputation relies upon its positioning as a full-time MBA program, so greater investment and selectivity are centered around full-time programs.


Part-Time MBA

Essentially, there are two kinds of part-time MBA programs. The official MBA (EMBA) is intended for understudies with long durations of work experience in executive roles or positions of authority – regularly, these understudies are somewhere in the range of 32 and 42-years of age. EMBA projects center around systems administration, and there is commonly little association among EMBA and other MBA understudies. These programs are usually smaller than full-time projects and carry a heftier sticker cost, as bosses are relied upon to chip in a part of the majority of the understudy’s educational bill cost.

The other choice is the part-time MBA, which is better fitted for representatives who work all day and don’t yet hold administrative positions. These understudies will, in general, be 24 to 35-years of age and take classes after work, either at night or the end of the week. Part-timers more often than not have similar teaching personnel and can take a considerable lot of indistinguishable courses like their full-time MBA partners. Be that as it may, only a couple of grants are given to part-time understudies, so they should depend on personal reserve funds, loans, and additionally business sponsorship to pay for educational costs.

Part-time MBA projects are frequently observed as less aggressive than full-time programs and can take longer than a few years to finish. The principle challenge for part-timers is adjusting work and school, commonly to the detriment of social or family time. Business colleges situated in enormous urban cities with financial hubs will in general draw in part-time MBA applicants all the more easily, as a school will most likely be close to work.


The Bottom Line

Getting an MBA can enable you to propel your vocation and procure advancements or increases in salary because of the level of accomplishment and information such a degree gives. Choosing a full-time or part-time MBA program involves gauging the expenses and advantages every choice brings to the table. Full-time MBAs are perfect for new alumni who can bear to postpone working, yet they can hope to land better paying and higher positioning occupations than those without an MBA. Working people who are anxious to improve their current professional positions may pick a part-time MBA program so as to stay employed while studying. For those in managerial or leadership roles, the executive MBA at N.L. Dalmia might be a more suitable part-time option.


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Top Benefits of Part-Time MBA (Especially Working Professionals)

How MBA help in Career of a Working Professional?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an advanced qualification for anyone wanting to build on their professional opportunities and grow their career. Its specialized pathway helps students to develop skills in key business-related areas such as people management, project delivery, and reporting. An MBA also teaches valuable networking and communication skills, enabling students to develop personal and professional networks.

Thinking of applying for an MBA to enhance your career? Here are four ways it could help you get ahead:

Increased Salary Prospects

An MBA is an internationally-recognized qualification, viewed by employers as an objective way to determine a prospective employee’s market value. In just a few words, an MBA certification on your CV communicates to employers that you have both business skills and experience and therefore that you would be a safe investment for their company. Overall, because MBA holders are a prized commodity for a company, they are often rewarded with a higher salary band.

It’s a cliché, but you have to speculate to accumulate. And while the fees for MBAs may be daunting, they are actually a great investment in your future. A 2013 survey of 4,000 MBA graduates claimed that, on average, respondents had recouped one-third of the cost of their studies within a year of graduation and the degree had paid for itself in four years.

An MBA doesn’t just affect your starting salary either; your long-term salary is also likely to be consistently higher. Research by the London School of Economics and Surrey University showed that those with a higher degree earned more on average, equating to a career-long “postgraduate premium”.

Improved Employability

In today’s economy, companies just don’t have the finances to gamble on a potential employee who might be a bad fit for their company or might require additional training on the job. One way to get ahead of the pack and reassure employers you’re the right choice is to have an MBA qualification on your CV.

An MBA is written proof to hirers that this applicant already has the latest business skills, knows how to apply them to real-life situations, and therefore will require minimal training and development. An MBA graduate is able to ‘hit the ground running’, and start benefiting their new company much sooner than others.

Graduates from MBA courses also have extremely varied career options available to them. Although specialist Masters level programmes may be appropriate for professionals seeking a niche career in a particular field, an MBA can open the door to a huge variety of roles. These career destinations for graduates include executive and senior management roles in business finance, corporate strategy, internal auditing, management consultancy, marketing and sales management, product management, research & development, supply chain management and many more.

Acquisition of Transferable Workplace Skills

MBA graduates possess a great many transferable workplace skills, which are highly-valued by employers around the globe. These skills include, but are not limited to, project management, interpretation of data, project delivery, reporting, persuasion, presentation, time-management, problem-solving, analysis and communication.

No matter where an MBA graduate finds a position, these skills are applicable in almost every industry, in every office or environment, anywhere in the world. Employers seek out candidates with these skills, as they know that they will ensure a smooth transition into a new workplace.

And for graduates already working within a business, these skills are also greatly appreciated by colleagues and co-workers. An MBA graduate is a strong team member, able to work on or lead a variety of tasks for almost any company. An MBA is a great way to boost your career if you’re feeling limited or stuck within your company as internal promotions are often more likely with an additional qualification on your CV.

A survey by the Open University found that employers are much keener on staff who go in for extra education to get more work-related qualifications, with nearly half saying this would make them more likely to offer a pay rise or promotion.

Development of leadership skills

MBA graduates are great team members and colleagues, but it requires extra knowledge and specific abilities to take on more responsibility and progress to leading a team. This is the sort of role an MBA course prepares its students for, with both traditional and innovative leadership skills being taught to very high levels.

Throughout an MBA, students focus on developing specific managerial skills such as leadership in practice and leadership, management and development. They learn how to resolve team conflicts, devise company strategies and manage human resources. MBA graduates do not just learn abstract theories and concepts though; they also learn how to apply these skills to real-life business situations.

Strong leadership qualities are recognized as crucial for directors and senior managers in modern business environments and an MBA gives its graduates yet another advantage over other candidates.

As with other MBA benefits, leadership skills do not just assist people looking for a new job; they also help those looking for an internal promotion or just greater responsibility within an existing team or organisation.

So, in summary, an MBA is great preparation for anyone wanting to grow their career. It gives graduates the necessary skills and experience to become a business leader in almost any market area.

Interested in studying for an MBA? What are you waiting for? Places are still available at one of the most reputed MMS colleges in Mumbai.


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Top Benefits of Part-Time MBA (Especially Working Professionals)

How to Improve MBA Profile for Top Business School Admissions?

N. L. Dalmia has shaped my personality in many ways. I learnt the best of HR subjects from amazing faculty members and the overall ecosystem helped me in becoming a better person.

When I entered the industry to start working, I already had a head start in HR concepts, thanks to the specialized HR batch. Additionally, we were provided with well-rounded development through assessment centres, IR case laws, personality development camps, college festivals, national level paper presentations and multiple sessions by industry stalwarts. I feel proud and grateful to have been associated with this institute. The conceptual and life learnings have shaped my career and more importantly my personality.

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