MSR – #EcoWarriorJune – 25/06/2023 & 26/06/2023
On June 25th and 26th, 2023, Team MSR organized an online social media campaign with the objective of advocating for the adoption of green alternatives and acknowledging the commendable efforts of our eco warriors. The campaign involved a special feature on our Instagram account, where we shared images showcasing individuals’ green initiatives. Participants enthusiastically shared a diverse range of images, highlighting their active participation in activities such as clean-up drives and their adoption of eco-friendly practices, including the avoidance of plastic and the use of electric vehicles. Moreover, they showcased their contributions to environmental conservation by sharing images of the plants they had planted. The ultimate aim of the campaign was to generate awareness and inspire action concerning the importance of environmental preservation and sustainability. By showcasing the proactive efforts of individuals and encouraging others to follow suit, we aimed to foster a sense of responsibility and promote the adoption of eco-friendly practices in our communities.