Sr. No. |
Name of the Faculty |
Catrgory |
Details |
Date |
A.Y. |
1 |
Dr. Minati Sahoo |
Review Manuscript |
Review Manuscript, Board Meeting, Promoter CEO and Firm Performance: Evidence for India for Global Business Review, GBR-2022-3103 |
24/06/2023 |
2022-23 |
2 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Review Manuscript JAT/10/05/23/0567, entitled “The Dynamics of Migrant Remittances, Financial Market Development and Per Capita Real Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa |
19/06/2023 |
2022-23 |
3 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Book Paper |
Reviewed Book Chapters of the book “Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management” of Himalaya Publication |
16/06/2023 |
2022-23 |
4 |
Dr. Suchismita Sengupta |
Editorial Board Member |
Editorial Review Board Member for Global Journal of Accounting and Finance which is indexed with the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), Cabell’s, EBSCO, Gale Cengage and Google Scholar and has been submitted for review for Scopus, DOAJ and Proquest |
4/12/2023 |
2022-23 |
5 |
Dr. Baisakhi Mitra Mustaphi |
Resource Person |
Invited by Kirloskar Institue of Advanced Management Studies, Harihar, Karnataka to deliver a Guest Lecture on “Luxury Marketing” to their studennts via Online Mode |
4/3/2023 |
2022-23 |
6 |
Dr. Baisakhi Mitra Mustaphi |
Chairperson, Paper Setter, Moderator and Examiner |
Appointed as a Chairperson, Paper Setter, Moderator and Examiner for Integrated Marketing Communication and Digital Marketing, University of Mumbai with letter no. T2022-23/63698 |
3/31/2023 |
2022-23 |
7 |
Dr. Jyoti Nair |
Chief Guest |
Invited as a Chief Guest for awards distribution function of quiz programme by SNDT College of Arts and SCB College of Commerce and Science for Women, Mumbai |
3/14/2023 |
2022-23 |
8 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Guest of Honour |
Invited as Guest of Honour by SNDT Arts College in Quiz on G20 in collaboration with La Paz International Relations Foundation, Mumbai |
3/14/2023 |
2022-23 |
9 |
Dr. Jyoti Nair |
Chief Guest |
Invited as a Chief Guest and Judge at the G20 Quiz, LA PAZ International Relations Foundation, Mumbai |
3/7/2023 |
2022-23 |
10 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Resource Person |
Invited as a Resource Person for conducting Faculty Development Program on The A to Z of Research Paper Writing organized by Allenhouse Business School, Kanpur |
3/2/2023 |
2022-23 |
11 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-23-0073 entitled “Neuroaccounting as a Research field withingNeuroscience: An Eye Tracking Study, SAGE Open |
12/2/2023 |
2022-23 |
12 |
Dr. Chitra Gounder |
Session Chair |
Invited as a Session Chair in Technical Session II B at the 1st International Financial Management Conference (IFMC) 2023 organized by Chandragupt Institute of Management, Patna |
2/11/2023 |
2022-23 |
13 |
Dr. Baisakhi Mitra Mustaphi |
Session Chair |
Invited as a Session Chair at 13th International e-Conference on “Challenges and Changing Business Practices in Recent Times” orgnized by IES’s Management College and Research Centre |
2/10/2023 |
2022-23 |
14 |
Dr. Chitra Gounder |
Moderator |
Engaged as a Moderator for PGDM Course for Batch 2021-23 and 2022-24 by St. Francis Institute of Management and Research |
2/9/2023 |
2022-23 |
15 |
Dr. Baisakhi Mitra Mustaphi |
Track Chairperson |
Track Chairperson for 18th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference, 2023 organized by K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management |
09/02/2023 and 10/02/2023 |
2022-23 |
16 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-1114 entitled “Market Orientation? Corporate Social Responsibility? A Study of Innovation Strategy on Business Performance” for SAGE Open |
23/1/2023 |
2022-23 |
17 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Research Paper |
Invited to review Research Paper for Journal of Research and Interactive Marketing JRIM-01-2023-0020 |
29/1/2023 |
2022-23 |
18 |
Dr. Jyoti Nair |
Member of Ethics Committee on Journal |
Invited as a Senior member of the Malpractices |
1/20/2023 |
2022-23 |
and Ethics Committee of the Journal of Global Economy, (ISSN- (P) 9735-3931, (E) 2278-1277) |
19 |
Dr. Jyoti Nair |
Panel Member |
Invited to review article submitted to JGE, “Stock Market Valuation and |
1/20/2023 |
2022-23 |
Output Growth: Panel Data Evidence from the Indian Public Limited Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of Global Economy, (ISSN- (P) 9735-3931, (E) 2278-1277) |
20 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Review Manuscript ID IIMB-D-22-00367, entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Do Group Affiliation and Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility Norms Matter?, IIMB Management Review |
19/01/2023 |
2022-23 |
21 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Research Paper |
Manuscript ID IJMF-12-2022-0556 entitled “Shareholding control, ownership concentration and value of the Brazilian Firm” submitted to the International Journal of Managerial Finance. |
10/1/2023 |
2022-23 |
22 |
Dr. Chandrakant Varma |
Paper Setter, Moderator & Examiner |
Appointed as Paper Setter, Moderator, Examiner for Strategic HRM by University of Mumbai, Appointment letter no.: T-59932 |
2022-23 |
23 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Review Manuscript ID JAEE-11-2022-0320.R1 entitled “Performance and CEO Duality in Indian Public Banks: A Moderating Role of Board Independence” for the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. |
25/12/2022 |
2022-23 |
24 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Journal |
Review: BOJE/23.11.22/0009; Botswana Journal of Economics |
14/12/2022 |
2022-23 |
25 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Journal |
Conducted review of South Asian journal of Business Studies, (Scopus/ web of science) |
21/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
26 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review research paper on the Generation Path of Entrepreneurial ability of Chinese retired athletes International conference on Digitalization and Management Modern Management based on BIG DATA in Beijing, CHINA |
26/11/2022 to 26/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
27 |
Dr. Sachin Mittal |
External Examiner |
Invited to Sangam University in Bhilwara to serve as an external examiner for a final Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of a candidate |
11/25/2022 |
2022-23 |
28 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Impact of Green Supply Chain Features on Enterprise Supply Chain Financing Performance” |
25/11/2022 to 26/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
29 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of the 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innovation (DMI 2022) held in Beijing, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Research and Distribution and Trend Analysis of Digital Transformation of Chinese Enterprises Based on CiteSpace” |
25/11/2022 to 26/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
30 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Research on the supervision path of financial institutions accessing central bank credit system from the perspective of data governance” |
25/11/2022 to 26/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
31 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Research on Measurement and Evaluation of High-Quality Entrepreneurship: a Review and Synthesis prospectus” |
24/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
32 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Journal |
Invited for review for QEIOS on “Institutions and Socio-economic Development: Do Legecies and Proximity Matters” |
15/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
33 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review of Manuscript ID JAEE-11-2022-0320 for the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies |
14/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
34 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Journal |
Invited and conducted review of Journal of Accounting and emerging Economies (Emerald; Scopus/ web of science) |
14/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
35 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-2956 entitled “A profit allocation mechanism for multiple channels order fulfillment of an eretailers alliance for SAGE Open (IF 2.032) |
13/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
36 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to Review for the South Asian Journal of Business Studies, Manuscript ID SAJBS-11-2022-0369 entitled “Responses of investors to earnings announcement: Does the type of ownership holdings in banks matter?” |
13/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
37 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-2515 entitled “The Linkages between Psychological Distance, Perceptions of Luxury Brands and Social Media Marketing. A Study of Female Apparel Brands for SAGE Open |
10/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
38 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Resource Person |
Invited to conduct Two days Design Thinking workshop for Bombay Chamber of Commerce |
09/11/2022 to 10/11/2022 |
2022-23 |
39 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Research on the Supervision path of financial institutions accessing central bank credit system from the perspective of data governance” |
26/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
40 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “The Impact of Central Bank Digital Currency Issuance on Commercial Banks in the Digital Economy” |
23/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
41 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Manuscript |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of 2022 International Conference on Digitization and Management Innoivation (DMI 2022) held in Beiging, China via Online mode. He reviewed the article “Research on the Integrated Construction Path of Credit Risk Prevention and Control of the National “Xinyi Loan” platform” |
23/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
42 |
Prof. (Dr.) M.A.Khan |
Guest of Honour |
Invited as a Guest of Honour and Session Chair in the International Seminar on Accounting, Finance and Business Management |
27/09/2022. |
2022-23 |
43 |
Dr. Jyoti Nair |
Invited as Guest of Honour and Resource Person |
Invited as Guest of Honour and Resource Person in Two Days International Conference on Law and Management by Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai |
9/17/2022 |
2022-23 |
44 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-3665 entitled “The Self-Perceived Personal Brand Equity of Knowledge Workers by Gender in the Light of Knowledge-Driven Company Culture. The EVidence of Poland and the US for SAGE Open |
13/10/2022 |
2022-23 |
45 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-2609 entitled “The Impact of an Omni Channel Identity on Brand Experience and Consumer Brand Relationships for SAGE Open |
12/9/2022 |
2022-23 |
46 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Invited to write a Case Study |
Invited by Sage Publications to write a Case Study on “Ownership, bank size, capitalization and bank performance: Evidence from India”, published in Cogent Economics & Finance |
8/20/2022 |
2022-23 |
47 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Research Papers |
Invited to review Research paper on “Does Indian real estate regulation protect urban homebuyers? policy implications” |
7/8/2022 |
2022-23 |
48 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Research Article |
Invited to Review article on “Applications of GMM-HMM Acoustic Model in the Immersive Foreign Language Learning, Peer Reviewer of The 3rd International |
15/08/2022 to 18-08-2022 |
2022-23 |
Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD2022) to be held in Seoul, South Korea |
during 15-18 August 2022. |
50 |
Dr. Joyeeta Chatterjee |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to review Manuscript ID SO-22-1216 entitled “Content Analysis on Consumers” for SAGE Open (IF 2.032) |
7/6/2022 |
2022-23 |
51 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Peer Reviewer |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of the 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Bug Data (MMBD2022), Seoul, South Korea. He reviewed the article “Digital Information Mobility Schema: A Data-Flow Model Featuring Risk-Resilient Approach Towards Effective Construction Worksite Synergy Utilizing Fuzzy-Analytic Heirarchy Process” |
7/1/2022 |
2022-23 |
52 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Peer Reviewer |
Invited as a Peer Reviewer of the 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Bug Data (MMBD2022), Seoul, South Korea. He reviewed the article “Analysis on the Current Situation of Quality Assurance of “Double Tutor”” |
28/06/2022 |
2022-23 |
53 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Research Article |
Invited to Review article on “Technological Innovation and Enterprise Capacity Utilization |
27/06/2022 |
2022-23 |
after carefully analyzing the merits of the paper with regards to scope, applications, research methodology, |
experimental techniques, and verification of mathematical equations, data interpretation, and grammar, Peer Reviewer of The 3rd International |
Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD2022) to be held in Seoul, South Korea |
during 15-18 August 2022. |
54 |
Dr. Neeraj Gupta |
Review Research Article |
Invited to Review article on “Implementation of a driving simulator for the collection of data on human behavior in vehicular traffic |
25/06/2022 |
2022-23 |
after carefully analyzing the merits of the paper with regards to scope, applications, research methodology, |
experimental techniques, and verification of mathematical equations, data interpretation, and grammar, Peer Reviewer of The 3rd International |
Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD2022) to be held in Seoul, South Korea |
during 15-18 August 2022. |
55 |
Dr. Sachin Mittal |
Review Manuscript |
Invited to Review Manuscript ID JIBR-10-2021-0357.R2 “Parental Influence, Financial Literacy and Investment Behaviour of Young Adults” submitted in Journal of Indian Business Research |
25/06/2022 |
2022-23 |