Mr. Rakesh Nair showed a video of the history of the Bombay Stock Exchange and its evolution over the years. He mentioned the way BSE was reshaping itself to keep up with the changing needs of the industry. BSE’s investment in cutting-edge technology, governance, controls, and training initiatives over the years to emerge as one of the leading stock exchanges of the world was highlighted. The role of bitcoins and “Algo” trading and the way it had impacted trading worldwide was spoken about. The role of BSE in not only deepening the equity markets but also the Debt, Derivatives, and Commodity Markets was brought out.
Further, he discussed the role ahead and challenges for BSE in terms of reducing the settlement period of the trades.
In the end, there was a Q&A session that saw active participation from the students. The day ended with a warm vote of thanks to Rakesh Nair Sir!