5 Trends and Opportunities Defining the Future of Business Analytics

Future of Business Analytics In the current data-driven world, companies striving to stay ahead of the competition recognize the critical role of business analytics. The field is at the heart of technological evolution, with new trends continually emerging and exciting business opportunities presenting themselves for strategic advantage. Pursuing a PGDM in Business Analytics equips future […]

5 Reasons You Need to Pursue a Global MBA

Businesses are no longer confined within national boundaries in today’s interconnected world. Professionals must pursue a Global MBA to truly excel in the global business arena. It enhances expertise in international markets and cultures while propelling careers to new heights. Here are five compelling reasons why a Global MBA is essential for anyone aspiring to […]

8 Tips To Become A Great Finance Manager

8 skills you need in a Finance Manager Finance and its management is a very key function in an organization. A prudent finance manager will always keep the finances of the company in check, ensure that the company can make payroll, and pay its creditors and vendors on time. They will also play a key […]

How to Unlock New Horizons in a Globalized Economy through a Global MBA

The global economy is changing how businesses and trade operate in the modern world, where everything is connected. Technology and communication have broken all the barriers and allowed nations to come closer, creating a global marketplace. To succeed in this ever-changing environment, professionals must have the right skills and knowledge to navigate the world. One […]

Unleashing the Power of Business Analytics: 5 Ways to Successfully Utilize Data – Driven Insights

How to Utilize Data-Driven Insights In the era of data-driven processes, organisations have access to unparalleled amounts of data. Nonetheless, the collection and storage of data only scratches the surface. To fully unlock its potential, businesses must dig deeper. Business analytics is an absolute must in this scenario. By leveraging data-driven insights, organisations can confidently […]

Are you a Future HR Leader? Here are 10 tips that can help you to create a positive workplace culture!

World renowned management guru Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast”. What he implied is that no matter how good the company’s strategy is, if the culture doesn’t match up, it would be difficult for the company to be successful in the long run.  What is work culture?  The key guiding principles for […]

Want to be a successful marketer? You must understand Consumer Behavior very well

An in-depth understanding of the consumer’s buying behaviour enables marketers to get an idea of what makes the consumer buy or reject their product if it satisfies their need. It enables marketers to understand not only the habits of consumers but also the factors that influence their decision to buy a specific product.  Consumer behaviour […]

5 Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing. Are you following these?

In the last ten years, social media has taken the world by storm. There’s hardly anyone who does not use some form of social media. Whether its LinkedIn for our professional networking, or Facebook and Instagram for our personal and social interactions, WhatsApp for instant communications, or Youtube for our videos, we use social media […]

Global MBA v/s regular MBA – Which one to choose?

A Masters in Business Administration (MBA) program is a pass to managerial and subsequently, leadership roles in a company. An aspiring student or professional who wants to pursue an MBA must make a choice between opting for a Global MBA v/s going for a regular MBA course offered in his own country. Let’s take the […]

5 Tips to translate MBA Learnings into Corporate Success

Ever wondered why the first year of an MBA or a PDGM course teaches you about all the departments of an organization. Why do they delve into finance, marketing, HR, operations, Law, etc.? The answer lies in the fact that a business or a company is not about one area of specialization. A company does […]

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