MMS, PGDM, MBA: Differences and Similarities

Business aspirants have a lot of work to do, considering the demand for skillset and high levels of competition. However, one thing that works in their favor is the number of education options they can choose from. The students are bombarded with so many options of business degrees that it’s quite easy for them to […]

How Can a Non-Tech Professional Move to Analytics?

Currently, there is a paradigm shift in the marketplace as many professionals are looking for job roles in analytics, primarily related to fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and other subjects. However, there is a misconception that only individuals with an IT or engineering background can build a successful career in analytics. However, […]

Reasons Why You Should Study MBA in India

The one thing that legends like Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, Michael Bloomberg, and former Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Meg Whiteman all have in common is an MBA degree. In today’s day and age, everyone wants to get an MBA, right from fresh graduates to professionals working in the industry for a couple of years. An […]

Big Data Course: All You Need to Know Before Enrolling to One

Currently, the world that we live in is ruled by data. Hence, most individuals are opting to undergo some data analytics training to enter this billion-dollar industry. You can choose to be a Data Scientist, Engineer, or Analyst; you need to have proper training and certification that will help you fast-track your career and apply […]

Everything to Know About PGDM HR

With the latest advancements in technology and the demanding requirements of companies, it has become crucial for the HR team of a company to be capable of hiring the best of resources. To keep up with the industry needs, HR resources should opt to get a Post Graduate Diploma Management in Human Resources. At N.L. […]

5 Tips To Clear The Cat Exam Without Coaching in 2019

The CAT examination is arguably one of the most difficult, yet most reputed exams in India. This entrance exam focuses on delivering results using conventional methods that cannot be adopted via rote learning and requires out-of-the-box thinking. Considering the CAT exam is the first and most crucial step to getting into 20 IIMs and around […]

Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking A Course On Big Data & Analytics

$136 billion per year. That was the size of the big data market worldwide in 2016, according to a report published by the International Data Corporation (IDC). Considering the time users spend online on multiple apps that collect data, this number doesn’t come as a surprise. A report published by IBM shows that the volume […]

A Guide to MBA Admission Interview Preparation

Personal Interview can be a deciding factor as part of your admission process.   You have done everything right. Your CAT score (or any other entrance test score) is here yet there’s one last hurdle in the way of you getting into your dream institute. Personal Interviews can be tricky and it is even trickier […]

Why and How to take a CAT Mock Test?

Timeliness is one of the most important takeaways from your MOCK CAT Tests.   CAT has to be one of the most defining exams of your life and how you fare in those three hours determine your future admission prospects. Needless to say, enough hard work is put into preparation by way of lectures, study […]

CAT Preparation 2019: Tips, Pattern and Syllabus

  MCQs and non-MCQs form a 70-30 ratio in CAT.   CAT is right around the corner and with around two months to go for the big day, preparation time is in full swing! The CAT 2019 has a revised pattern consisting of 100 questions. The pattern will include the 3 sections- Verbal Ability (VA), […]

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