
5 Must-Read Books for a Business Analyst

A business analyst is one of the most sought-after roles in the industry today. A business analyst is a solution-oriented person who is responsible for enhancing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and augmenting the company’s top-line. To attain this objective, a business analyst comprehensively understands the processes in a company, their interlinkages, and usage and consumption data arising out of such processes and operation. With a holistic view of processes and operations and equipped with the relevant data points and insights, a business analyst suggests ways of enhancing efficiencies and profits of a business. 

If you have a knack for problem solving and analytical thinking and a flair for technology, you could graduate into a business analyst role. It would be immensely beneficial to have a great understanding of the domain in which the company operates. For example: a great understanding of banking can help you to become a business analyst in a bank or in an IT company with a bank as its client. You may also be in-demand with fintech and payment companies. 

While no amount of reading can substitute relevant work experience, listed below is a curated list of 5 books that can enable business analysts to accelerate their growth. For a budding business analyst, it may be just what you need to kick-start your career as a business analyst. 

Book 1: Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) guide – Published by International Institute of Business Analysis

BABOK Guide is a bible for any business analyst. It is a must-read to understand the benchmarks in business analysis. It covers all areas of work that a business analyst is likely to undertake during his job. 

The book covers perspective on agility in business analysis, the role of information technology, business intelligence, business architecture, and management of business processes. The book has elucidated concepts of business analysis, areas of knowledge that the analyst must acquire, and the competencies that he must hone to improve as a business analyst. The book also covers in detail over 50 techniques that enable a business analyst to thoroughly analyse a business. The BABOK guide has been updated multiple times, so do ensure that you grab the latest copy before starting to read it. 

Book 2: Agile and Business Analysis, By Debra Paul and Lynda Girvan

From a linear ‘waterfall’ model of development, digitalization has shifted focus to an agile model of operations. An agile model helps companies to build new-age digital/ mobile-first applications from scratch and take it to the market (customers) fast. 

Business Analysts with knowledge of agile methodologies and experience at handling projects that work in agile mode are invaluable. 

This book is not only a great introduction to ‘Agile,’ but also a great playbook for you to understand and adopt an agile framework. As a business analyst that is equipped with understanding of ‘Agile’ methodologies, he/she can contribute to enhancing the experience of both internal stakeholders (business users) and external stakeholders such as customers, regulators etc. A Business analyst who is well-versed with agile is strategically placed for companies (especially with IT at its core) to make well-informed business decisions and create an immersive digital experience for all relevant stakeholders. 

Book 3: Business Analysis Agility: Solve The Real Problem, Deliver The Real Value, By James Robertson and Suzanne Robertson

The authors have again emphasized on the use of agile techniques to shorten the time taken to deliver value to the customer. This means that the techniques mentioned in the book will help the company to analyse information faster and make decisions swiftly. 

The book offers a framework to solve problems (especially customer problems) very fast. It gives ideas on converting the problem into an opportunity to offer value. 

Any business analyst (experienced or a rank fresher) can easily understand the content in the book. The authors have emphasized on using story-telling methods and narratives to enable analysts to focus on customer solutions. The book offers a framework which can be practiced easily for success as a business analyst.

Book 4: How to Start a Business Analyst Career, By Laura Brandenburg

Firstly, the author Laura has learnt her ropes in editing and publishing before having moved into a business analyst role. Her own career path and experience form the basis of this book that has enabled many young students straight out of MBA or PGDM courses to become successful business analysts. 

The author lays emphasis on the fact that a business analyst can directly come into the managerial tier from a completely different industry type, domain, or primary skill set just like she did. As many youngsters could vie for a business analyst role, the author’s simple and easy to comprehend book can make the difference between you beating the competition for the coveted role of a business analyst. 

Book 5: Sprint: How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days, by Jake Knapp

Author Jake Knapp enables business analysts reading this book to leverage the power of design-thinking to comprehend all factors and enhance probability of success of any new product or idea. It enlists a clear stepwise process that elicits how a business analyst could define a target, arrive at the most feasible solution, create a prototype, and test it.

What’s more; the book will enable a business analyst to do this all in just 5 days and be well-equipped with vital information to gauge readiness for launching a product or innovative idea. 

While there are more books that business analysts must read, the five mentioned above could be a great start. At a junior level, the business analyst role is in high demand and the competition is intense. Any candidate that has read the above books will have an edge over others who haven’t read it. 

Interesting Career Prospects after completing PDGM or MBA in HR

Human Resources (HR) is increasingly becoming one of the most critical departments of a company. With the proliferation of digital technologies and the services sector in India, human capital has become the most important asset of a company. The companies that can retain the best talent cost-effectively will beat their competition by garnering higher revenues, and profits. In the process, they will also gain market share and start compounding their free cash flows (FCFs). They will be in a better position to reinvest this into the business to enable it to attain scale and operational excellence. 

Hence, human capital management is extremely critical for the growth and sustainability of companies. Onboarding, retaining, and nurturing human capital is invaluable.

A career in human resources can be rewarding, especially in companies that deal in industries such as IT products, IT services, banks, insurance etc. 

Have you Completed your MBA or PGDM in HR?

Here’s a list of career choices that you may want to consider: 

HR Manager: An HR Manager connects the prospective candidates to employers. They oversee and manage the recruitments and address employee grievances and issues. They create the framework for reviews, performance appraisals, and compensation enhancement. They also maintain records as prescribed by the regulatory and compliance authorities. In essence, they supervise the company’s human capital and its requirements from all perspectives. 

However, it would be difficult to start as an HR Manager on the first day at work. You will have to first learn the ropes of the entire HR function before donning the managerial hat.

You are highly likely to begin as an HR Generalist. 

HR Generalist: As the name suggests, this is normally entry level talent, fresh out of an MBA or PGDM course in HR. They must learn to handle multiple HR tasks simultaneously. They get exposure across areas such as: 

  • Candidate screening and shortlisting
  • Interview Process and Onboarding 
  • Employee Induction 
  • Attendance Tracking and Payroll Management 
  • Performance Reviews and Appraisals 
  • Regulatory and compliance-based reporting 
  • Creation of operational reports for the leadership Team with information on key parameters such as attrition, revenue per employee etc. 
  • Employee Engagement and Retention 

As you gradually gain a year or two of work experience after an MBA in HR or a PGDM in HR, you will graduate to more focused roles. A few of these are as below: 

Staffing and Recruitment: 

Technical Recruiter: Their job is to gauge the technical skills of the candidate and understand if he or she is the right candidate for the position. These roles are apt for people who come with technical and domain knowledge and know the process of recruitment too. 

C-Level and Executive Recruiter: Such recruiters come with good communication and interaction skills, and they play the role of recruiting executive vice presidents, heads of department, CXO level leadership etc. 

Head of Staffing and Recruitment: The head of staffing and recruitment works across the entire gamut of recruitment, training, and creation of organizational policies around these areas. In such a role, the person is also in-charge of enforcing the same and ensuring that the best talent is onboarded, retained, and upskilled. 

The next key area is Attendance and Payroll Management. 

After an MBA or PGDM in HR and relevant experience, you could graduate into a manager of attendance and payroll. Such an MBA or PGDM in HR would be responsible for ensuring that the salary roll-outs at the end of the month is commensurate to the attendance of the employee. They would also manage or oversee the leave policy, encashment of leaves, calculation and credit of Provident Fund, and other benefits. They may also be entrusted the responsibility of managing compensations, mapping the employee salary costs, and ensuring that it is within the budget. Employee costs form a critical part of the expenses and keeping a control over it is vital to ensure profitability and growth of a company. 

Employee Relations and Engagement 

A person with MBA or PGDM in HR and relevant work experience may progress in his career to become an Employee Relations and Engagement Manager. Such a professional is responsible for handling and resolution of grievances of employees, resolving disputes between employees, forming policies in areas such as anti-sexual harassment etc. 

They are also responsible for ensuring that the employee morale across the company is high. To do so, they may initiate various celebrations on festival days, run contests for employees, plan team building activities etc. 

Training and Development: 

A company that can generate the maximum value from its human capital will succeed. One of the key aspects of ensuring this is to constantly train and upskill its employees. This can happen with training across new-age technologies, domain, and soft-skills. An MBA of PGDM in HR can graduate into a Training and Development Manager in an organization. They are responsible for identifying the training needs for employees across the organization, creation of training programmes and calendars, and ensuring that all trainings are conducted as per schedule. They may also liaise with external training consultants or organizations to create short courses that can enable the employees in their company to upskill, re-skill, and enjoy seamless career progression. 

Wrapping Up

There is no doubt that an MBA or PGDM in HR is the first step towards handling critical roles that impact the most important assets of a company – its employees. With the right experience and exposure, students with an MBA or PGDM in HR can firstly gain practical experience across all aspects of HR and subsequently hone their skills in one or two of those areas. They will be well-poised to handle a strategic HR role too – which has and will always be in great demand if we have employees coming in to work (or even working from home) every day. 

What to expect after a PGDM in Business Analytics?

Data is the new oil. Oil, only when refined, can create products of value such as chemicals, natural gas, etc. Similarly, data must be cleansed, transformed, and analysed to derive value. If you are wondering what ‘value’ is, that’s exactly what a business analytics course will uncover. It can help you to understand the process of analysing data generated during business operations. If a company can leverage this data to make well-informed strategic decisions, the probability of the decisions being correct is very high. Such decisions, which are rich in data-driven insights, can create a meaningful impact on a company’s top line and bottom line.

A Post Graduate Diploma (PGDM) in Business Analytics will enable you to play a key role in transforming the data generated across the various departments of the company into rich insights. It is probably the only role wherein even at the junior-most level in a company, your work will significantly impact its overall growth and help to accelerate its business prospects.

Here’s a list of career opportunities that can be pursued post a PGDM in Business Analytics:

1. Data Scientist: Data can be classified as ‘structured’ data (which is in rows, columns, and tables) and ‘unstructured’ data that could come from email, audio files, videos, social media posts, call center data etc. As a huge proportion of the relevant data across an organization is ‘unstructured’, it is critical to analyze its impact on business and getting an org-level view of its impact as against analyzing data in departmental siloes. That’s exactly where a data scientist comes in. With his expertise in data, mathematical models, statistics, etc., a data scientist can sieve useful insights from humongous volumes of

data. Companies across the world are extensively seeking talented data scientists. A PGDM in business analytics will help you to become a preferred choice of companies that are looking for data scientists and analysts.

2. Analysts across key functions: The scope of a PGDM in Business analytics is wide ranging. It is because the course teaches various aspects of business including operations, finance, marketing etc. and empowers you with the capabilities to transform the data generated from daily operations across these departments into rich business insights. For instance, a person with a PGDM in business analytics is equipped to help a company to streamline its supply chain, ensure optimum economic order quantity to reduce wastage, and enable the company to have ‘Just in Time’ inventory across its point of sale to keep losses to the minimum. Similarly, they can work on various models and share insights that can sharpen marketing campaigns, enhance customer lifetime value (CLTV), and help to onboard more customers by curating offers as per demographic data and buying pattern-based insights.

3. Chief Data Architect: Before attaining a PGDM in Business Analytics, you might have graduated in technology and may have relevant work experience. If so, a PGDM in Business Analytics can add a new dimension to your career prospects. We live in an age of digital/ mobile-first startups that champion the cause of ‘convenience’ that we so dearly love. Such apps that help you get everything at your doorsteps with just a click (literally), need very robust data frameworks and models to enable real-time decision-making with respect to prices, routes of delivery, bundled offerings etc. To manage these aspects seamlessly, companies hire data architects who are the custodians of the organizations’ technology infrastructure that

powers or holds the data. Their technical understanding, knowledge of domains and functions, and ability to liberate data from traditional siloes is invaluable. They can build the required architecture and frameworks to derive rich insights from the data that can be viewed by strategic leaders of the business, not in isolation but in sync with various other parameters to gauge organizational level impact. Hence, a chief data architect is pivotal in creating a digitally transformed data- powered business.

Data and Business Analytics is a very nascent field and companies are still discovering the true potential of the data that they have. This includes the current data that they generate and the data that they must have archived. The scope of a PGDM in Business Analytics will further amplify as companies start discovering means of creating ‘impact’ with the data that they generate. Hence, a PGDM in Business Analytics is not only a course for today’s times but also for the future. It will stay highly relevant in the times to come. Hence, a PGDM in Business Analytics will open a plethora of opportunities across sectors, domains, and geographies for a student. What more can one ask for?

One must read book each for Finance, Marketing, and HR students

A PGDM in Finance, Marketing, or HR can give you relevant exposure to the functions. A few case studies can help you to envision how the industry puts it into practice. Good books, however, are timeless and priceless. The authors of such books often back their content with deep research. The research and content are woven into a meaningful format to impart invaluable lessons. The lessons are elucidated with relevant examples to illustrate the power of the concepts covered in the book. Spending a few hours in the library and reading the best books is your growth hack into the corporate world.

A PGDM in Finance may give you excellent theoretical knowledge of financial concepts but its application in the real-world is a completely different ball game. A PGDM in Finance may enable you to become a wealth manager wherein you may manage money for either a set of clients, or your company, or the customers of your company. In any case, it is your responsibility to ensure that you make decent returns for the entrepreneurs or investors to whom the money belongs. It’s less about the mind or talent and more about the mindset.

A book titled ‘The Psychology of Money’ is worth its weight in gold for all PGDM Finance students.

Among the many pearls of wisdom, the most important lesson that author, Morgan Housel, shares is that people should leave greed out when managing money. He shares his views on Jesse Livermore who took a short position in the great stock market crash in USA in 1929 and pocketed three billion, only to lose it all a few years later. He couldn’t control his greed and tried his luck once too often. The lesson here is to have goals and ensure that your money can help you to attain them. This will enable you to control ‘greed’ – an emotion which can make one take riskier bets and increase the probability of incurring a big loss.

In the era of digital technologies and social media, financial markets have become omnipresent. What’s more, with YouTube and digital learning tools at your disposal, it is easy to gain basic understanding of the markets to start your investment journey. The impact of digital has been so significant that marketing itself has undergone a paradigm shift from the traditional ways of advertising and promotions.

That’s where the book Contagious: Why things catch on can immensely help PGDM marketing students. They are stepping into an era wherein technology and digital marketing tools have assumed very high importance. Author Jonah Berger has explained why things go ‘viral’. He has laid a strong emphasis on peer reviews and how it can influence purchase decisions. The author enlists six basic principles that form the crux of virality of any product, service, or initiative. The book is a great guide for marketers to use actionable techniques to spread information to the relevant target audience by creating highly viral content.

While PGDM finance and PGDM marketing are both important from a business perspective, a business is nothing more than a set of people with integrity that are working towards a common goal. Hence, people management is a very critical skill. The building blocks for the same is taught at the PGDM HR level. Students of PGDM HR will eventually be the custodians of the human capital – the most important assets that companies possess.  It is extremely essential to drive your human capital towards a common goal and enable them to have a sense of purpose.

Hence, ‘Start with Why’ could be a great book for PGDM HR students. Author, Simon Sinek, says that the employees are always inspired by a sense of purpose or the ‘Why’. Hence, communicating ‘why’ an organization is doing things before the ‘How’ and ‘What’ is critical. He calls this ‘the golden circle’ with ‘why’ being the innermost circle followed by concentric circles representing the ‘How’ and the ‘What’. He talks about how companies like Apple and leaders like Steve Jobs have applied this golden circle to create a purpose that drives the culture at the world’s most valued company.

To wrap it up, a PGDM course can conclude in two years, but the learnings are implemented lifelong. Challenges in the corporate world don’t come with a manual to help you untangle them. However, reading books regularly can always give great insights into how businesses could think out-of-the-box to overcome constraints of time, money, and resources and yet become defining companies. PGDM in Finance, or Marketing, or HR is a definite head-start but reading great books on business is a habit that can empower future managers to succeed in their multi-decade corporate journey. 

Why Pursue PGDM In Marketing for Career Growth?

Are you looking forward to enhancing your career prospects? It’s one of the most common reasons why people dream of pursuing a PGDM in Marketing. PGDM courses are one of the best ways to develop the skills required to join the Management stream or the corporate world as these courses are always in demand. Let’s look at a comprehensive list of some of the reasons why you should pursue a PGDM in Marketing to grow your career:

1)Prepares you for a competitive work environment
Marketing is a major interface function for modern Business environments. It enables efficient delivery of the organization’s offerings by aligning its products with existing market needs and potential customer expectations. After successful completion of the PGDM In Marketing course, a marketing executive or manager will have the capabilities to skillfully assess the existing market and its potential, along with its strengths and weaknesses, competitors, and trends. Moreover, they can effectively make managerial decisions that enable dynamic Business practices that are in line with their Company’s long-term objectives and goals.
2)Makes you versatile
The PGDM in Marketing program is highly beneficial to companies, as the marketers working for them can use their training to create brand Management strategies and run the Company’s marketing department. Since this course is incredibly relevant for entrepreneurs looking to start their Businesses, it challenges them to think bigger and better to reinforce and optimize their business operations.

Marketing is a skill that requires dedication, focus and innovation. There’s no denying that marketing is a challenging yet exciting field to be in. Just like any other skilled craft – from mechanics to auto repair or beauty specialists – there are tens of thousands of promising opportunities for you to explore, all with different benefits at each university and Business School.
3)Endless opportunities
When you get a PGDM degree in Marketing Management, you’ll be presented with various career options. As a graduate of PGDM in marketing courses, you’ll have the freedom to choose from different job roles. Most graduates of this specialization find themselves employed in areas such as Academic Institutions, Publishing Companies, Manufacturing and Retail Companies, Finance and Insurance Companies, Advertising Companies and Marketing Firms that are looking for experienced analysts and prospective managers with prior Business knowledge.

A PGDM in Marketing Management is a great option for you to pursue if you are looking to grow your career in the marketing field. With this degree, you will be able to unlock a variety of career opportunities in the marketing industry. This course will prepare you for a career in which you will be able to apply your marketing skills to improve your organization’s competitiveness in a cluttered market!

Clear CET and CMAT to get through placement-special N. L. Dalmia

N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research – A brief

Let’s look at a brief history of the institute before knowing how to get an admission.

Situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research (NLDIMSR), a business school in Mumbai, was established under the N.L. Educational Society’s auspices.

N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research was founded in 1995 and began its education program in July 1997, providing the Master’s in Management Studies (MMS) – a two-year full-time course affiliated with the University of Mumbai. It also provided the Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management(PGDM), a three-year part-time study authorized by AICTE and available in full-time and part-time presentations. Currently, the institute only provides the PGDM 2-year full time program. So, to get admission to this B-school in Mumbai, you have to clear CET or CMAT exam.

What are CET and CMAT?

The most basic requirement for admission to Business schools in India is to pass the entrance exams. CAT, NMAT, XAT, CMAT, and GMAT are some of the exams available. Clearing one of these qualifying examinations is required for aspirants to gain admission to an AICTE-approved B school. So if you want to take admission to this leading B-school such as N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, you have to clear the MH-CET conducted by DTE(Directorate of Technical Education). This exam is held in February/March once a year.

CMAT (Common Management Admission Test) is an entrance test conducted by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and is a national level test. By clearing it, you can get admission to any one of 400+ colleges.

Eligibility for CET and CMAT:

For CET, the aspirant must have qualified in the 12th examination and no age limit.

For CMAT, the aspirant must have completed their graduation or final year of graduation. There is no age limit of CMAT; the candidate should be an Indian.


  • The CMAT exam has negative markings, so aspirants must be careful and balance their accuracy. On the other hand, CET does not have any negative marking.
  • AICTE conducts CMAT while DTE conducts CET.
  • In CET, visual reasoning questions are being asked, but not in the CMAT exam.

How to prepare for the CET and CMAT exam?

The ability to answer questions quickly is essential for success on this exam. Prepare a proper study schedule daily. The student must thoroughly analyze the previous year’s question papers and practice the questions and concepts. Aspirants taking this exam must complete 200 questions in the allotted time of 150 minutes.

  • CMAT – CMAT, like other exams, doesn’t even have a set syllabus. Yet, some common topics appear in CMAT papers year after year, which you can find in the past year papers of MBA entrance exams. So, to prepare for it, you should thoroughly read the following sections, i.e., Quantitative Techniques, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, and General Awareness. These are the portions from which questions in previous years’ exams were drawn. Finally, make sure you’ve gone over all of the subjects that are supposed to appear in CMAT 2020 and that you’re familiar with the CMAT syllabus to prevent last-minute surprises.
  • For CET – The topics covered in the Maharashtra CET include Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, and Reading Comprehension. From the logical section, 75 marks of question will be there, while from the abstract selection, expect 25 marks. In addition, from the quantitative and verbal sections, you will get questions of 50 marks each. For Quantitative Aptitude, follow NCERT math (class 9 and 10) and Wren and Martin for English Grammar; MAH CET MBA candidates must consult books for MAH CET MBA preparation. Finally, try to complete one mock test per day to gauge your progress in terms of revision.
  • Evaluate your performance after completing each mock test. Take extra care of weak areas and, if necessary, revise your MH CET preparation strategy.
  • Start taking mock tests as seriously as you would the MH CET exam. Set a timer for each section. Examine how long it takes you to complete each section and how you can cut down on time.


You should be careful and read mindfully to crack the following exams to get admitted in N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research. Without proper preparation, it is difficult for you to crack the CET and CMAT exam in one chance and get admission into N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research Business school in Mumbai. So you should look at the previous years’ question papers well and prepare yourself thoroughly.


Content Source:- N.L. Dalmia

New possibilities of MBA aspirant

These days many students are going for MBA after graduation. Students consider MBA as their dream maker. They want to pursue MBA because they understand it as a path of:-

  1. Getting a jump in salary
  2. Getting a promotion
  3. A better work profile
  4. Enhancing knowledge
  5. A broad network
  6. Starting and growing their own business

An MBA aspirant’s all future possibilities depend on his specialization. An aspirant can pursue MBA/ PGDM, Executive MBA/ PGDM, Distance MBA, Online MBA, Part-Time MBA, etc. An aspirant can consider any specialization among the following to pursue:-

  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Finance
  • Sales and Marketing
  • IT and Systems
  • International Business
  • Healthcare and Hospital
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Operations

Every specialization has its unique opportunity so an aspirant should know all the possibilities provided after completion of MBA


Job Possibilities after MBA in Human resources (HR):-

An HR professional plays a crucial role in organizational structure. It has a tough responsibility to motivate and train employees. An aspirant can go with this and achieve his/her future goal as an HR executive at a firm. He can be an HR generalist or HR specialist. These both have a very important task of:-

  1. Recruitment
  2. Training and Development
  3. Employee Benefits
  4. Coordination with Employees
  5. Payroll Management
  6. Managing Competition


Job possibilities after MBA in Finance:-

Finance is also one of the best sectors for MBA aspirants. They can work in different fields like insurance, investment management, taxation, tax planning, etc. Main job opportunities in finance are:-

  1. Financial Manager/Analyst
  2. Credit Analyst
  3. Accounting Manager
  4. Risk and Insurance Manager
  5. Treasurer
  6. Finance Manager
  7. Cash Manager


Job Possibilities in sales and marketing:-

This field is the most sounding field in MBA. It has a broad area as well as a network. MBA in Sales and Marketing is always in demand. If an MBA aspirant is thinking of finance as his future career he is on the right path. This field provides job opportunities in retail marketing, banking, hospitality, and many others. Main job profiles in sales and marketing are:-

  1. Brand Manager
  2. Marketing Manager
  3. Market Research Analyst
  4. Sales Manager
  5. Product Manager
  6. Media Planner
  7. Internet Marketing Manager


Job Possibilities in IT and systems:-

If an MBA aspirant wants a job with a good pay package, he can pursue his MBA in IT and systems. IT and systems aspirants have the following job opportunities:-

  1. Project Manager
  2. Business Development Executive/ Manager
  3. Product Manager
  4. Marketing Manager
  5. Analytics Manager
  6. System Manager
  7. Data Processing Manager
  8. Business Analyst
  9. IT Manager/Consultant
  10. Information Systems Managers
  11. Systems Analysts


Job Possibilities in International business:-

An MBA aspirant who has a dream of a job around the world must pursue MBA in International business.  It provides depth information about export and import, international customs law, market competition running around the world, etc. Important job opportunities after this are:-

  1. Marketing Analyst
  2. Administrative Service Manager
  3. International Business Development Manager
  4. Government Affairs Director
  5. Export Manager
  6. International Finance Manager
  7. Export Coordinator


Job Possibilities in Healthcare and Hospital:-

It is the best opportunity for those aspirants who want to play a vital management role. This course teaches ethics, day-to-day operations,decision-making policies, and to perform administration tasks. A Healthcare Management student can get his dream job like:-

  1. Hospital CEO
  2. Hospital CFO
  3. Hospital Administrator
  4. Pharmaceutical Product Manager
  5. Healthcare IT Consultant


Job Possibilities in Business analytics:-

Business analytics is a new growing field of MBA these days. So it is creating many new job opportunities. It is the field of analysis. It has the following job possibilities:-

  1. Financial Analyst
  2. Supply Chain Analyst
  3. Management Consultant
  4. Predictive Modeller
  5. Business Systems Analyst


Possibilities in Entrepreneurship:-

If you have decided to create your path of success, a student can start your own business after MBA. You learn business ethics, networking, leadership skills, and management. On the other, it also teaches accounting, marketing, and licensing. After finishing the course a student can be:-

  1. Small Business Owner
  2. Corporate Supervisor
  3. Sales Manager
  4. Fundraiser and Development Officer
  5. Business Consultant


Job opportunities after MBA in Operations:-

For an MBA aspirant, this is a very popular field. On the other hand, this is also a very competitive area. It has jobs in all industries like IT, e-commerce, manufacturing, and telecom. Students can get job written below after MBA in operations:-

  1. Supply Chain Manager
  2. Logistics Manager
  3. Inventory Control Manager
  4. Project Managers
  5. Operations Manager


Conclusion: – After MBA in a specific field will not only boost up the career of a student but also this degree opens many doors of different opportunities.

MBA marketing degree voice of business

MBA marketing degree voice of business 

In recent years master of Business Administration degree is gaining a massive advantage as all the organizations require professionals with having a solid base of management to hold desired positions. Among various specializations, an MBA in marketing is said to be one of the most fashionable specializations demanded by multiple organizations, as marketing is the course area of business that helps any organization flourish. In this paper and rolling yourself in an MBA program from Business School in MBA is one of the most convenient ways to advance yourself in the career of Management and Secure long-term returns from it. 


MBA in Marketing helps to provide a competitive edge

If you hold only a graduate degree, it would be difficult for you to hold the desired position in Big organization dreamt of. if you want to earn advancement in your career to work hard for that. Different young professionals complete a lot to get promoted and position themselves as the best candidate. For that, they need to require additional education in management degree. With an MBA in marketing degree, you will differentiate yourself from the crowd by creating a great understanding of your marketing skills. 


Achieve higher compensation

According to various research, it has been finding out that all those people having an MBA degree in marketing a likely to earn 50% higher starting earnings than usual and also continue to earn about 80% more than their peers if they position in a higher position at the organization. This research suggests that if you hold an MBA degree in marketing from one of the prestigious institutes in Mumbai, NL Dalmia Institute of Management you will be able to secure a higher position and achieve higher compensation with your degree. 


Higher job satisfaction

After completing your MBA in marketing, when you are placed in any organization and see how your efforts contribute to the betterment of business, you will be satisfied with your job. It is seen that marketing professionals advance in their areas and often aspire to influence a lot at work, so they are always keen to see how their efforts and contribution provides advantage and profit to the organization by increasing its overall revenue as it is also a source of motivation to them to work in a better way. Hence after pursuing an MBA in marketing specialization, you will achieve greater job satisfaction at work. 


More employment options

With an MBA degree in marketing, you have a lot of opportunities to get employed in different organizations ranging from Healthcare organizations, Financial Services, Hospitality Services, and many more. It was also so that marketing professionals work on ethical standards. They would also don’t mind accepting a lower salary for the business that incorporates social responsibility into their business model. They do so because most marketing professionals work on ethical standards, and with their efforts, they want to contribute to society. This is the reason because of the dedicated services they have more employment options to work in different organizations. 


Stimulating challenges

If you or someone are aware of the marketing industry, you should know that this discipline is quite complex. To become successful in marketing, to should have specialization and experience in different areas, including content marketing, market research, retail marketing, or brand Communications. So being a successful marketing professional, you should always be ready to stimulate challenges that come your way. And to stimulate the challenges, you must have good background knowledge of marketing that you can process by completing your professional degree in management or MBA in marketing from various Business School in Mumbai that offers an MBA in marketing degree. 


To become successful in business, you must have poses MBA degree as they teach theoretical and practical knowledge regarding management of the different areas. Especially you need to possess experience in marketing because it is the diverse field of specialization required by every organization to gain the most advantage from the business. So to gain management knowledge, you need to have completed a post-graduation course in management. The ideal course for this is an MBA in marketing which you can pursue from NL Dalmia Institute of Management as it is one of the most renowned management Schools in Mumbai. 

What a Career as a Tax Auditor Looks Like

Do you have a career goal of becoming a tax auditor? The role of a tax auditor is very important from a business perspective. Proper training, certifications, and project experience are essential. The position is high-end in nature, with tons of responsibilities. 


A financial job

The tasks of a tax auditor are essentially financial in perspective. Completing a PGDM Finance course from a renowned management college, such as N. L. Dalmia Institute would be the right step to accomplish your goal. The financial expertise helps you significantly in getting a corporate job.


Different from an accountant’s job

Keep in mind that the job responsibility of a tax auditor is markedly different from the job of an accountant. An accountant prepares the financial records and oversees the bookkeeping operations of a company. On the other hand, a tax auditor examines and attests to the financial records of the company. 


Designations you may get

Before discussing at length about various tasks of a tax auditor, know about the probable professional designations you get after completing an MBA from a Top B School in Mumbai like N. L. Dalmia Institute. You can be recruited in the position of an Audit Manager / Internal Audit Manager. You might also get a designation titled ‘Senior Auditor’. 


Half-yearly audits

At the end of September, a half-yearly audit process takes place. You have the duty to thoroughly check the accounts and locate errors if any. Also, you need to prepare a detailed report on your findings. 


Yearly audits

Yearly audit procedures are more hectic compared to the half-yearly ones. An annual audit process is more comprehensive in approach. You need to be more meticulous in the application of your expertise. Also, you have to apply some time management skills picked up from the MBA classes in order to finish the work fast.


Collaborating with various departments

In cases of an internal audit, you have to collaborate with senior executives of various departments of the concerned company. There would be meetings with the management. You can prepare conclusive reports only after you are convinced about the relevant bookkeeping details of the business.


A strong grasp of numbers

It is obvious that as an auditor, you need to possess strong quantitative skills. In most of the stages of your job, you have to encounter situations where your grasp of numbers would be helpful. Specialization in Finance from a top management school teaches you such skills.


Revising financial documentation

Merely going through the financial documents of the company once is not enough. You have to be very sure about what the records reflect. There is a mandatory step, within the regulatory framework, of revising the documents.


Corresponding with higher authorities

You would also have to shoulder the duty of frequently mailing and calling senior officials of your company. You might have to correspond with the government tax department, too. Keeping the seniors informed about the progress of the audit is a major part of the job.


Graphical Analysis

As an auditor, it is your duty to perform a graphical analysis of various movements of financial parameters, related to the growth, stagnancy, or decline of the business. It is almost like a daily routine. You have to enquire further details on this matter with the department heads of the company.


Checking duplicity, redundancy & other anomalies

It is very crucial to minutely check the accounts of the company. On a regular basis, you have to locate duplicity of records. Some of the bookkeeping entries might be redundant, too. Moreover, there could be other technical anomalies in the records. Your task is to point out those.


Preparing reports

It is a frequent task of an auditor to prepare reports on various audit procedures. You have to formally organize the financial findings. The reports essentially contain evidence and explanations related to the findings. You submit the reports to the concerned authorities.


Are you ready to become a tax auditor?

Are you serious about getting involved in tax auditing jobs? Aim to get admission in a well-known management institute, preferably in the Finance-Hub of India, Mumbai. The megacity provides you numerous opportunities to be hired as a tax auditor. Prepare a robust plan for your career.

MBA Vs PGDM – What’s Better for You?

When it comes to choosing a career path for your future, it’s a no-brainer that you can’t just progress ahead with anything that comes first in your mind. Moreover, being a student and having a lack of information about different industry verticals makes the process even more intimidating.

Decisions like choosing a career path and college should be made very carefully because this will be deciding your future in this big world. Students in India always demand a fulfilling career path with a broad scope, and Global MBA is certainly one of the most preferred choices of all time.

However, nowadays, there’s an equivalent course gaining swift popularity lately, known as PGDM. It also appears to be growing as a preferred career choice for students in India. Both of these courses aim to help you learn about leadership and managerial positions, along with their importance.

Although both of these fields have several academic differences, they are ideal for some good placements. In this article, you’ll understand the difference between PGDM and MBA, and determine what’s better for you.


MBA and PGDM – A Brief Introduction

Approved by the University Grants Commission, the Masters in Business Administration is a post-graduation course longing for two years. With over 6,000 universities offering MBA courses, it is a very lucrative career opportunity that often leads to higher salaries.

Generally, the curriculum of this course is changed every five to ten tears, and a lot of well-recognized institutes offer this course in various specializations. Talking about PGDM, it’s also a two-year course for post-graduation, provided by several Business schools in mumbai.

It’s very similar to an MBA degree and offers the ability to do it as a part-time course or distantly. Both state and central universities offer PGDM courses, and its curriculum is similar to that ofMBA. However, PGDM follows a slightly more practical approach towards management training.


MBA or PGDM – Which is Better?

Now when you know about the macroscopic differences between PGDM and MBA, you should consider having a look at the admission requirements to determine which one fits the bill for you. Additionally, you also need to research the reputation desired pgdm colleges in mumbai.

Recruiters always conduct a background check of your university to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for their company or not. With that said, let’s take a look at factors that may help you decide whether you should proceed in your academic career with MBA or PGDM:


Career Goals

After gaining a postgraduate degree in PGDM, you can choose career opportunities like Project Manager, Data Scientist, Consultant, and so on. On the other hand, the MBA course includes opportunities like Business Analyst and Sales Manager.

Depending on your interests and skills, you need to determine whether you should proceed with PGDM orMBA. Make sure you research the career opportunities and scope of both these courses before making a decision.



The admission fees for both the courses vary significantly. Therefore, you need to make sure that you keep your financial capabilities and budget in mind before choosing a particular course. This will ensure that your post-graduation doesn’t face any hurdles in between.


College Ranking

As stated above, the reputation of your desired college can greatly impact your placements. Depending on your travel preferences and location, you need to choose a college with a good reputation in the field for better opportunities in the future.


The Takeaway

While MBA covers topics like human resource, finance, business ethics, and so on, PGDM is considered as an equivalent to the former, but with slightly more expenses. Each of these courses allows you to work in management-related roles, depending on the stream that you pursue such as PGDM Marketing.

With the tips and factors stated above, you can easily determine what’s better for you – PGDM or MBA. They both offer a wide range of career opportunities, based on the reputation and rankings of your chosen college in the industry.

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