Sir Benjamin Franklin once said “Change is the only constant in life. One’s ability to adapt to those changes will determine your success in life” .World around us is changing at a faster rate than ever, managing and sustaining this change becomes a crucial responsibility of business leaders.
The HR Expert Talk Team organized a guest session on “Managing Technology Led Change” for HR second year students. We were pleased to host our own Alumni Ms. Manjiri Shenavi,Organizational Change Management, Accenture.We feel grateful to have her on our platform.
The Key Takeaways from the session are:
1.Change Management is the discipline that guides to adopt changes with minimal impact to business.
2. ADKAR Model acts as a panacea to employees’ resistance to changes.
3. Embracing digital learning solutions to train employees about new changes.
4. Measuring the adoption of change through methods like interviews,end user survey, adoption dashboards etc.
Thank you to Dr.Chandrakant Varma sir for helping us organize this session.